Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
William James (1842–1910)
American Philosopher
Often so-called facts are presented to us, which we accept without further questioning. This excellent game teaches people to question further. Participants present key information about themselves and introduce themselves.
Knowing that there are in-built lies participants concentrate much more in ‘Fact of My Life’ compared to the mere self-presentation. Accordingly, there is more fun and a higher recollection of the facts.
It is fun when elaborated in graphic way, e.g. on a flipchart. At the same time the facilitator can assist and guide participants for better work with flipcharts and boards. Then, it will be much more memorizable, especially if you integrate it in the graphic workshop protocol (see post-processing).
Objective of Facts of my life
Self-presentation and introduction of the group.
Flip chart sheets, marker, cards.
5 mins writing, 3 mins per participant presentation time.
Each participant writes five to seven ‘facts’ about their own life on a flip chart sheet. Some of them are true, some not — it’s up to the participant as there is no rule stating how many have to be true or untrue. After 5 mins of writing, all of the participants come to the front to present their ‘facts’ one after the other. The others judge what is true or untrue.
Optional: If you have more time you can ask participants to visualize ‘Facts of My Life’ on a flipchart or a maternal board. This then might be a good visualization exercise and a practical exercise for the use of flipchart, cards, markers, colors etc.
A starter game.
![Visualising 'Facts of My Life' is more fun and a good exercise, but requires much more time.](