The unexamined life is not worth living.

Socrates (470–399 BC)
Greek philosopher (TWL) wants to reflect on a part of life we spend a significant amount of time on. These are conferences, meetings, workshops, and so on. Lifelong learning will continue to increase and accompany a good part of our life. This life time should not be wasted nor be painful, but rather used effectively, interestingly, and most beneficial.

Thus, TWL fights against

  • Conferences that are full of boring, irrelevant speeches, and empty of opportunities to relate and connect;
  • Symposiums
  • Meetings that are too long, badly prepared and attended by persons, who have nothing to do in there;
  • Workshops that drain your energy, cut on breaks, and are void of experiences;
  • Trainings
  • Seminars that kill by PowerPoint, are short of quality supporting material, and have long hours without interactions;
  • WebSeminars/Digital Workshops in bad resolution, lightning, and sound, as well as without reciprocal communication, meaningful participation.

TWL turns especially against

  • superiors who don’t grant free space to experiment;
  • colleagues who don’t dare to go new ways;
  • subordinates who shy away from the extra hour;
  • trainers who insist to do it the way it always has been done;
  • facilitators who are unwilling to upgrade their skills from the last millennium;
  • moderators who are not open to listen and balance a group;
  • hosts without a smile and no drive to render their event to the best experience in participants’ lives.

TWL claims that

  • life is joy;
  • work is play;
  • learning is fun;
  • teaching is fire;
  • facilitating is experience;
  • moderating is thought;
  • conferencing is connection;


  • never gives up;
  • has no excuses;
  • is always willing to learn;
  • and always ready to listen;
  • stays focused on his/her objectives;
  • is ready to go the extra mile;
  • and makes the next workshop/meeting/conference the best ever in his or her life, so far.

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