It is in games that many men discover their paradise.

Robert Wilson Lynd (1879–1949)
Irish writer

Sitting is the new smoking. With the Corona Pandemic, however, online events became the new normal. Thus, the already high number of sitting hours increased even more. With remote games you level up the experience as well as fun level. Meetings and workshops are felt less draining.

Furthermore, participants will much more retain what they did or experienced themselves. Thus, games should be preferred over presentations and talks whenever possible. This is online as much possible as offline. To offer you a good choice, we have assembled here a couple of suggestions. However, don’t just put in a game for the sake of game (unless it is a quick energizer).

Procedure for Remote Games

Remember: each module of your digital workshop contribute to the overall objective of your workshop. So, first choose a game that is a step towards your goal.

Second, the game should suit the audience as well as the stage or phase of the group is actually in. Not everything is suitable at all times. You don’t bid farewell at the beginning, don’t you?

The game should also contribute to the 6 balances in a group. Thus, your participants feel respected, valued and have the sense that the workshop was balanced.

Some games might require a debriefing. Don’t skip as this will be part of the whole. Better plan the time properly.

And now have have and enjoy!

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