You really ought to talk to someone about your poster, Horace. That likeness is a crime in itself.

Bounty hunter
In: Westworld, 2016 (HBO Science Fiction/Western)

A Wanted Poster like the ones the police uses looking for criminals. For this remote icebreaker pair participants and let them prepare and deliver a single slide (on PowerPoint or Keynote etc.) with photo of themselves, where they can present the most important elements of each other’s life.

Objective of Remote Wanted Poster

  • Familiarization of participants and fun.
  • Familiarization with whiteboard, mural, or drawing app.

If it’s a more serious Digital Workshop (DiWo) or WebSeminar you can use social media, e.g. LinkedIn, profiles instead.


  • Whiteboard for everyone, or
  • Mural, or
  • Presentation Software,
  • Drawing App

Using a drawing App might be difficult, because each participant needs to have one. This is unlikely to find.

In case of individual slides in a presentation software, screen sharing must be enabled for all, if each participants shares his or her screen. Or they send it to you for compilation. But this takes more time and participants should have a break in-between.


  • per participant 5 min interviewing and sketching time (simultaneously)
  • per participant 3 min presentation time

It’s not suitable for more than 12, max 15 people. Otherwise it might get too boring and lengthy.


Introduce Remote Wanted Poster by stating that like in Western movies participants will create a wanted poster of each other and present it.

Pair participants in groups of 2. If one is left you or your assistant take it.

Depending on what you planned or agreed upon: participants interview each other and

  • prepare a slide
  • draw on the mural or whiteboard
  • sketch in a drawing app connected to the conference software

Drawing is more fun instead of use of photos.

Thereafter, they present each other.


Forming. Typical starter game.

You might also consider these icebreakers for your online event:

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