Excellent firms donโ€™t believe in excellence โ€“ only in constant improvement and constant change.

Tom Peters (*1942)
Researcher and writer on business management (“In search of Excellence”)

Youโ€˜ve guessed it: in Multi-Point Feedback, participants are asked to give their opinion/feeling/answer to several different points.

How to arrange multipoint feedback

In order to be quick you should prepare the questions on a board beforehand. Make sure that there are enough sticking dots available. As an alternative you can hand out markers, but then participants can cheat and cross several times โ€” especially as you should not observe the process to ensure the voting is neutral. Have a look at the photo and come up with your own points.

In scales

One way to ask for several feedback points is to have several scales one below the other. Each scale could rang from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. To avoid incorrect assessments be clear what each number stands for.

Participants can stick a dot or make a cross with a marker at the number which corresponds to their rating.

In coordinate system

A multipoint feedback in a coordinate system is a bit more tricky: First, it allows a maximum of four two-point feedbacks. Second, as always one axis is shared you have combinations.

For example, the positive x-axis is learning, the you could combine it with the positive y-axis of pace, while the negative y-axis could be fun.

In mindmaps

As central question you can place the workshop day and add as many branches, i.e. feedback queries around it. You could place a scale (see above) at each of the branches. This, however, would quickly overload the image. Thus, we recommend to rate by three types of smiley with a marker: ๐Ÿ™ negative, ๐Ÿ˜ neutral, and positive ๐Ÿ™‚

Don’t forget to take a photo for your photo protocol of the workshop to document participants’s feedback!

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