Roles of a Moderator

The roles of moderator or facilitator might change during one single programme. Know what’s your job!

Group process

A group process is a chain of several steps a certain group goes through. It refers to their behaviour and interactions.

Six Balances in a group

An excellent workshop is always a balance of several factors — depending on the audience. Generally, you’ll find six balances in a group.


Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals. Jim Rohn (1930–2009)US Motivational Speaker The fundamentals we are speaking of here are not any religious baseline, but rather the basics of any


Logistics is the ball and chain of armored warfare. Heinz Guderian (1888–1954)General General and Pioneer of motorized, armored warfare. The English word logistics stems from old French logeiz, i.e. shelter for an army, encampment (compare also lodge). Thus, it got

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